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Why this is important and how it’s different: Un-masks for the first time the single human dynamic that drives the entire global economy, the next age of civilization, and every outcome you seek in the world

Reveals the hidden source of your success: the decisions people make in the experiences you provide them

  • Crystallizes users’ decisions into a vivid interactive process that you experience
  • Puts you immediately inside your users’ personal stories, as they experience them
  • Drives all discoveries into actions that have an immediate impact on your bottom line
  • Engages your whole team to learn a repeatable methodology and set of tools and skills
  • It’s applicable to any endeavor, business and beyond, that engages and influences people
  • It’s art and science you can apply over and over to impact any worldly outcomes
  • It’s where Apple, Google, HP, Facebook, Amazon invest millions and get millions in return
  • And it costs less than 5% of what those best-in-the-world companies pay for it

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